Centre | Location | Contact | Email address |
UCPH | Copenhagen, Denmark | Prof Oluf Pedersen | oluf@sund.ku.dk |
UEF | Kuopio, Finland | Prof Markku Laakso | markku.laakso@uef.fi |
ULUND | Lund, Sweden | Prof Paul Franks | paul.franks@med.lu.se |
UNEXE | Exeter, UK | Prof Andrew Hattersley | A.T.Hattersley@exeter.ac.uk |
UOXF | Oxford, UK | Prof Mark McCarthy | mark.mccarthy@drl.ox.ac.uk |
UNEW | Newcastle, UK | Prof Mark Walker | mark.walker@newcastle.ac.uk |
UNIVDUN | Dundee, UK | Prof Ewan Pearson | e.z.pearson@dundee.ac.uk |
VUmc | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Prof Joline Beulens | j.beulens@vumc.nl |

Prof Ewan Pearson
Population Health and Genomics, University of Dundee Medical School, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee

Prof Dr Hartmut Ruetten
TA CardioMetabolism Respiratory Medicine, Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, Germany

Dr Ian Forgie
Population Health and Genomics, University of Dundee Medical School, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee